The Broadcast

Explore a gathering of curated, inspired content from a community of ocean lovers, adventurers & activists.

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The Cold Water Community Of Clevedon Marine Lake

The Cold Water Community Of Clevedon Marine Lake

Outdoor swimming in the UK is as much about finding a tribe as the act of immersion. Cold mornings, howling winds, frozen waters; the challenging conditions found along our coast,...


Ocean Sheroes | P's First 10 Days At Sea

Ocean Sheroes | P's First 10 Days At Sea

One boat, four women, 50 days at sea, and 2,400 nautical miles... The ocean Sheroes team have undertaken a monumental challenge, facing some of the toughest conditions of their voyage...


What Is Sea7?

What Is Sea7?

Discover the latest Sea7 Ocean Activist Masterclasses In response to global leaders attending the G7 summit in Cornwall, Finisterre will be hosting Sea7; an online ocean activist training camp. Streamed...


Sailing Light

Sailing Light

The dream of leaving everything behind and sailing off into the sunset is a common one. Far less common is the commitment and resolve to actually live out that dream....

Blue Mind

Evidence For Surf Therapy: Liberia Case Study

Evidence For Surf Therapy: Liberia Case Study

We're continuing our series in association with the Wave Alliance, sharing the amazing work they are doing to bring their revolutionary surf therapy program to underprivileged coastal communities. A huge...


Exeter Microadventures

Exeter Microadventures

Our stores have always been hubs for our customers to connect. Each store is different and has a unique community, so we decided to sit down with some of our...


Lockdown For A Passionate Inland Surfer

Lockdown For A Passionate Inland Surfer

If you're a surfer in the South West, you've probably come across Phil Williams (aka @philboysurf). A perpetual ambassador of stoke, his trademark ear-to-ear grin is a familiar sight from...


1000 Days Of Swimming

1000 Days Of Swimming

We’re often blown away by the people who make up our crew. Their passion and commitment can be truly inspiring. One such individual is Ruth Rayner, who works in our...


Falmouth Microadventures

Falmouth Microadventures

Our stores have always been hubs for our customers to connect. Each store is different and has a unique community, so we decided to sit down with some of our...


Down South

Down South

We always like hearing how far our clothes have travelled. Built to perform in the harshest conditions, it's no surprise that they often make it to some of the most...


Bath Microadventures

Bath Microadventures

Our stores have always been hubs for our customers to connect. Each store is different and has a unique community, so we decided to sit down with some of our...


North Cornwall Microadventures

North Cornwall Microadventures

Our stores have always been hubs for our customers to connect. Each store is different and has a unique community, so we decided to sit down with some of our...

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